Cobourg Survivor Thrivers’ Christmas Tribute Garden
- November 27, 2021 - December 23, 2021
Honour the ones you love this holiday season!
The Cobourg Survivor Thrivers Breast Cancer Dragon Boat Team in collaboration with the Town of Cobourg are sponsoring a Christmas Tribute Garden on display in Rotary Harbourfront Park.
They have created tribute decorations to honour those who are newly diagnosed, presently struggling, or have lost their battle to a life-threatening disease.
Each Tribute Decoration has a blank tag for a name or small tribute to be written. Your decoration will then be hung within the Tribute Garden or you can choose to take your decoration home.
All proceeds from your donation (minimum donation of $5.00) will be given to the Cancer Care Unit at NHH.
The Tribute decorations will be available or on display at:
- The Cobourg Farmers Market - 9 AM to 12 PM on November 27th, December 4th, 11th and 18th
- The Tribute Garden at Rotary Harbourfront Park - 6 PM to 8 PM on December 4th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th and 23rd
- The Givbak Boutique at Holistic Family Wellness Centre - 6-1040 Division Street, Cobourg