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Community support is instrumental in funding critical medical equipment and technology at NHH. In 2018, the Canon Ultimax-1 fluoroscopy unit and accompanying TIMS Medical digital recording system arrived at NHH to serve patients thanks to the generosity of an anonymous bequest to NHH Foundation, which fully funded this $1 million project.
When you make a donation to NHH Foundation, you become a member of our team.
In March 2012, The Rotary Club of Colborne completed their 10 year pledge to the building of the Northumberland Hills Hospital. This small but mighty club has raised over $50,000 for the hospital!
Almost every piece of equipment used in the direct care of patients – that is instrumental in changing and saving lives every day – is funded by community support. The new GE Healthcare Senographe Pristina mammography unit was delivered to NHH’s Clay & Elaine Elliott Women’s Health Centre in late June of 2018. This advanced piece of equipment was funded by NHH Foundation through the Equipped to Care Program.
Jamie Fraser Shares Her Story
Watch as Jamie Fraser shares her incredible story of her experience at Northumberland Hills Hospital. Thank you Jamie for taking the time to share your story with us.
We believe because you believe. You believe in keeping healthcare close to home. You believe in making a differerence in your community. Because of you, we will be able to invest in better care for the poeple of Northumberland. Thank you for believing in us.
Jean Bouchard
Funds raised through Vandermeer Toyota Father Daughter Ball supported the purchase of neonatal warmer for the Emergency Department at Northumberland Hills Hospital in 2018
Catch The Ace in Support of NHH
Catch the Ace Lottery - Tickets ON SALE NOW! 3 tickets for $10 10 tickets for $20 50 tickets for $50 Visit to...
Community Yoga Program
Community Mental Health -FREE Yoga Program Yoga provides many physical benefits and now more than ever, we realize its important role in our mental health...
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